Can't paint over layers

I started a level in a desert map just to mess around. Now I want to start making the landscape a bit greener. I followed a few tutorials, including the official “Edit Landscape Tutorial”, but I don’t want to create a material from scratch, I just want to use other existing materials.

So I followed another tutorial showing how to switch your landscape material to another chapter, and now everything is grass, and I cannot paint over that grass. Additionally, the 4 desert layers were replaced with… you guessed it… grass. I went back to landscape mode > Manage > New and created a landscape with Ch.2 materials, and it shows the 7 default layers… but I still can’t paint over the grass. And now I have 2 landscapes in my outliner. Landscape 2 has no geometry and cannot be deleted. What is going on? Why is this so hard?

Ideally, I should be able to go into Landscape > Paint > Select a layer asset drop down, and search for other textures… but nothing is there.

I think I’ve narrowed down the issue. See here where the new landscape I’ve created has the proper textures:

(to be continued in next post)

And here my original landscape appears to have the same settings, but look at the layers.

When I select the layer info drop down, there is nothing to select from. How do I get the layers from landscape 1 to match landscape 2?

Alright, I accidentally found a solution. Just in case anyone else comes across this same problem… just click the button that says “Create Layers from Assigned Materials.”

Thanks for all the help, me! No problem, me. Glad to be of service. high fives self

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