Can't paint landscape material


First time Unreal Engine user here. I tried following 3-5 tutorials, and I can’t get this to work. I am trying to paint my landscape with a blend material I have created following this tutorial:

Note that I looked up other tutorials as well, and they follow a similar workflow to this guy. I got my base materials from the Megascan library. I am trying to start out simple, with 2 layers only. I understand that the third texture labeled ORDp, if I remember the abbreviations correctly, it stands for Occlusion Roughness Displacement, yet in the video he just connects the node to Roughness only, and it works well for him.

What I tried in addition to the steps described in the video is to set the textures’ sampler to “Shared: Wrap” instead of “From texture pack”. Yet when I drag the material on the landscape and create the layer info, nothing happens. It just stays the default checkered material.

At this point I can’t tell what I’m missing, as other people asking this question had no idea what a blend material is in the first place, or they could paint some textures, but not others. I seemingly can’t paint anything. If anyone could point out what I’m doing wrong, I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks in advance!

P.S.: Maybe it’s worth mentioning that I am trying to paint the default terrain that comes with a blank project.

Hey there @Gogo_HD! Welcome to the community! Most default projects actually don’t come with a landscape in it’s default level. Much of the time it’s just a static mesh. That said you may be talking about the Open World default map which is one of the few that does come with a landscape pre-generated.

In the parameters, did you enable each of the layers? If so, did you set a value above 0?

Even if you didn’t, the checkerboard shouldn’t be there, the material usually tends to default to black or white.

Could your shaders still have been building? If they got caught up, or you didn’t hit apply and save on the material itself when you were done it’s possible it never got updated.

Can we see a picture of what the output loos like on your screen? What are you seeing in the user-interface when you try to paint?

Ideally, you make a named-layer node in the landscape material, give it a name like ‘rocks’. That node is an alpha, from 0-1 that you can then hook into maths on how you want that layer to appear,.

In the UI, shift-2, landscape mode, any named-layers you have in your material should show up as a paintable layer with the same name.

Do you see these named layers in your UI?

Interestingly enough, I messed around and decided in fact to create a new level and a new landscape. In this new level I could paint the freshly created landscape with the already existing material. But to answer the questions above:

@SupportiveEntity I am pretty sure the shaders had already built when I tried to paint my landscape.

@Frenetic Yes, I could see my layers in the Landscape editor UI, under the Paint category.

If they were listed on the left in the UI then the landscape system was able to parse the material.

If you couldn’t paint, again unsure what you were seeing, it might have been either the weight is set to 0, the math in the material-logic made the layer you tried to paint go ‘under’ another layer (it’s already being overwritten by something else as you paint it so it never shows), OR the more common thing you might run into is if it paints and you only see black.

That last one means you have blown past the budget on the number of texture-samplers (NOT texture-samples which is the actual act of getting that-pixel from the texture). You are limited in how many samplers/addresses you can toss around, so if you ever see black, either reduce the complexity of the material or make sure you have your texture samplers set to ‘shared:wrap’ so they can re-use coordinates as possible and free up some sampler-slots.

Definitely seems like the best course of action is to just work on the newly generated terrain in this case. Would that be suitable?

@SupportiveEntity Sorry for the late reply, yes, I continued working on it with no issues.

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