Cant Package using an AMD gpu.

I have a GTX 1070 and i added DLSS plugin to our project. Even though i cant use it i set up everything and tested it on my coworkers systems which have RTX cards and it worked fine.
The issue is that the person on our team that always packages the game has an AMD gpu. This is the error he gets while packaging:

LogStreamlineAPI: Error: [Error]: [09-35-01][streamline][error][tid:17384][0s:003ms:018us]file.h:94[open] File ‘C:\ProgramData/NVIDIA/NGX/models/nvngx_config.txt’ does not exist
LogStreamlineAPI: Error: [Error]: [09-35-01][streamline][error][tid:17384][0s:003ms:031us]ota.cpp:255[readServerManifest] Failed to open manifest file at: C:\ProgramData/NVIDIA/NGX/models/nvngx_config.txt
LogStreamlineAPI: Error: [Error]: [09-35-02][streamline][error][tid:17384][0s:023ms:397us]sl.cpp:668[operator ()] Feature ‘kFeatureDLSS_G’ requires GPU hardware scheduling to be enabled in the OS
LogStreamlineAPI: Error: [Error]: [09-35-02][streamline][error][tid:17384][0s:023ms:408us]sl.cpp:71[slValidateFeatureContext] ‘kFeatureDLSS_G’ is missing.
LogStreamlineAPI: Error: [Error]: [09-35-02][streamline][error][tid:17384][0s:023ms:415us]sl.cpp:71[slValidateFeatureContext] ‘kFeatureDeepDVC’ is missing.

the path C:\ProgramData/NVIDIA/ just doesnt exist in his system. I checked with other coworkers (which have nvidia gpus) and they did have the files so it just seems to be an AMD problem. What can I do?

Did you try to move the plugin inside C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.4\Engine\Plugins itself ?
i seen other people using to Plugins\Marketplace but not sure if that will do any change.
Double check if there any project setting from DLSS where you can point the path, it supposed to point to your plugin path.
Otherwise we wouldnt be able to do both DLSS and FSR.

Tried putting the plugin in the engine folder but it didnt work.
In the plugin settings there is something as “Generic DLSS binary path” which is not editable.
I also wonder how we can do FSR and DLSS together with this problem

I was able to fix this issue by sending the “NVIDIA” folder to my coworker and putting it in the path that it needed (ProgramsData). I hope it doesnt cause any issues in the fututre tho…

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