Trying to package TC using 4.5.1. No trouble with 4.4.3. Android phone(Droid 2). The 4.5.1 is a compiled version.
Here a link to the Log file.Log file
Howdy ,
Thank you for reporting this issue. Would you happen to have the 4.5 version of TC? If you uninstall the version that you currently have, and then re-download TC for version 4.5, are you still unable to package the game?
Thanks and have a great day!
Sean, OK. I did the package with TC 4.5. Looks like the same error. Have you looked at the Log?
There was another user with a similar error:
What kind of build do you have (GitHub, Launcher)? The error is:
“Can’t make an APK without the compiled .so [D:\UnrealEngine-4.4.3-release\UnrealEngine-4.4.3-release\Engine\Binaries\Android\]”
That should either come as part of the engine download, or if using GitHub, you will need to compile the engine for Android in Visual Studio.
Let me know if this helps out with your issue.
Sean, are you saying 4.5.1 will package TC for the Droid 2?
Hey ,
I have just talked to our compatibility team here and i have been informed that the droid 2 has a capped OS at v2.2 (froyo). We only currently only supporting devices that are OS v2.3 and higher. By looking at our compatibility sheet, You will see that no device on that list is lower then 2.3. Here is the list: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
Would you be able to test this issue on a device that is running v2.3 or higher?
The Droid 2 is using 2.3.4. Still does 4.5.1 package TC?
Hey ,
I am guessing that you are running off of the Github version for 4.5.1. Did you compile the Android Development project in Visual Studio? Since it is trying to copy a missing library file to package, I think this may be where your issue lies.
Since you are using a new version of UE4, it may have gotten wiped and just needs to be compiled.
Be sure to let me know how if this helps with the issue.
I paid the rent. Now TC for the android works.
Howdy ,
Glad to hear that the issue has been resolved. If you run across this issue in a later build of UE4, please feel free reopen this issue so that I may further investigate.
Have a great day!