My computer crashed the other day following an update that must have not installed properly. I could no longer start my laptop and so had to do a factory reset. Since updating everything and re-installing UE4, I can no longer open any of my projects, they simply crash on 95% opening with the following crash report. I should add that the projects themselves were on my D drive and so as far as I’m aware shouldn’t have been affected by whatever went wrong with the update. I have also tried running some slightly older (by about a month) projects I had backed up on a cloud and am experiencing the same issue.
The only project I have been able to open was one from about 2 months ago. The only difference I can think of was that this project was saved in my C drive, and every project thereafter I stored on my D drive and opened directly from that folder instead of going through the UE4 launcher. I’m not sure how that could affect it but it is the only key difference I’ve noticed.
Fatal error: [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Private/Serialization/Archive.cpp] [Line: 644] BulkData compressed header read error. This package may be corrupt!
If anyone has any insight they could provide it would be much appreciated. I can’t seem to work out what the problem is and have done a significant amount of work over the last month and would hate for it to have been for nothing.
I’m late to the party, but I had exactly the same problem.
Had a project not opened for a few weeks, and have the same error in the 4.24.3 project.
Tried to fix the asset somehow because I don’t have a backup, and because it is the only version ever checked into our source control. So the files itself is not corrupted.
The only way I could “save” the asset was to create a new project in 4.25.4 and copy the uasset file into the project folder. It loaded fine there. Then you can export the fbx (or whatever you asset is) and reimport it back to 4.24 hopefully.
I think there was a bug introduced in 4.24.3 maybe that causes the SkeletalMeshReduction error on load? Whatever it is, it’s fixed in 4.25 apparently.
I am getting this as well, it seams that 4.24.3 can’t understand skeletal mesh that I have in project and reports it is corupted. It other UE versions it works fine… Also it happens in clean project,basically when I delete derived data cache, or if I migrate it to other clean project.