Can't open project after update to 4.14

Running D:/Unreal 4/Epic Games/4.14/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“D:/Save Work 2015/Work Space/Unreal 4/Project/Human_Land/Human_Land.uproject” -game -rocket -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project…
Messages while compiling D:\Save Work 2015\Work Space\Unreal 4\Project\Human_Land\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\Human_LandModuleRules.dll:
d:\Save Work 2015\Work Space\Unreal 4\Project\Human_Land\Source\KiteDemo.Target.cs(52,26) : error CS0246: Le type ou le nom d’espace de noms ‘GUBPFormalBuild’ est introuvable (une directive using ou une r?f?rence d’assembly est-elle manquante??)
d:\Save Work 2015\Work Space\Unreal 4\Project\Human_Land\Source\KiteDemoEditor.Target.cs(26,18) : error CS0246: Le type ou le nom d’espace de noms ‘GUBPProjectOptions’ est introuvable (une directive using ou une r?f?rence d’assembly est-elle manquante??)
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: UnrealBuildTool encountered an error while compiling source files

Hello Sunset Killer,

This seems to be related to the following entry from the 4.14 release notes:

“The GUBP build tools have been removed. Scripts to create binary UE4 distributions are now implemented in Build Graph.”

It also seems that from the name of the source files listed that this is based off the KiteDemo. I would suggest downloading the updated version for 4.14 rather than converting, as there may of been multiple changes made to the structure to make it compatible with 4.14.

Thanks you !