When i type in console Ghost or Fly i expect to be able to move in any directions. But this in not. I can move only along that plane where i was in Walk state. So i can’t change my height in the world at all:( Neither Jump/Crouch, nor Mouse Axis do something. I thought that my custom Player Controller is the cause of the problem, so i tried it inside new clean default FPS project and it works the same way - no up or down movements still. Continuing compare i found that only in ShooterGame example project i can ghost/fly in any directions. But i didn’t find any clues there because most of the project’s code is C++. Please help me to find out how i can setup my charcter to be able to move in any direction while using those cheats. I think i need to use Cheat Manager and somehow incorporate it inside my Player Controller, but i did’nt find any tutorials how to do that correctly and also i fear that it will not help in my issue at all, because it doesn’t work now with using console commands (is there any difference between executing cheat from console or using Cheat Manager?). Thank in advance!