Can't launch blueprint only project on IOS device (4.26)

I’m trying to launch the default Third person example map on my IOS device but Unreal isn’t detecting my iPhone 11.
My phone shows up on iTunes and the provision files are setup correctly and detected; yet I cant launch on the device.
If I go to iPhone packager.exe - advanced tools - Other deployment tools, the console screen says:

 Created deployment server.
Trying to connect to mobile device running iOS ...
IPP ERROR: Timed out while trying to connect to a mobile device.  Make sure one is connected.

Can anyone please help?

I see the same error when trying to deploy the .ipa file on the iPhone.

Also using Engine ver 4.26.
I can see the device connected through the iTunes version 12.11.
But installing through the iPhonePackager > “Install IPA to Hardware” , keeps giving the timeout error above

I was able to solve this by installing first the windows version of iTunes and then also installing the windows store version of iTunes. After I was able to launch an all blueprint project on my iOS device from ue4

Just tried your solution and this actually Works !!

The order of installations is important however. First uninstall all your old iTunes.
Then install one from the Apple’s Support page download and then install the one from Windows Store, which will uninstall the old one,.

Then running IphonePackager actually dtects and transfer the .ipa file.