I’m trying to use datasmith plugin in unreal engine version 4.23
I installed AUTODESK REVIT EXPORTER 4.26 version.
my UE4 versions
I can find datasmith plugin in UE 4.26
I can’t find datasmith plugin in UE 4.23
I tried reinstalling Unreal Engine 4.23 and Datasmith 4.26.
But I still can’t find plugin in UE 4.23
Is there anyone who can help me?
I solved this problem by installing Unreal Datasmith in Marketplace.
Hi jaesungkim1 !
Just a heads up, Datasmith for Unreal Engine 4.23 is terribly outdated, and the DCC plugins for 4.26 might not work correctly if you import scenes using that old version of the engine.
I would recommend if possible to update your project(s) to 4.26 for better compatibility and stability.