I’m trying to install the Datasmith Plugin for importing inside the UE4 but doesn’t appear anywhere inside the LAUNCHER.
beyond the tutorials are very well done, the EPIC LAUNCHER doesn’t match the steps:
From the Epic Games Launcher, select the Library tab, if it is not already selected.
Under the Unreal Studio Beta section of the page, look for the Unreal Datasmith plugin. Click Install to Engine.
Already ended… i dont have the “Unreal Studio Beta Section” of the page…
I followed and failed in that point for almost everything related to datasmith because of this part where i have to see this plugin that should be already installed or for installing is missing, i will try installing an older version to see if it works in the meantime.
Can someone please explain how to get datasmth working for this? I really want to try the new C4D integration that’s had a big announcement today - but I cannot grasp how to active the stupid plugin. I thought Epic said it was being shipped with UE 4.23 by default, but clear its not been properly packaged with it or something leaving it thoroughly broken???
If anyone has this working can you please advise on what to do??
C4D support is not part of UE4 by default. It is a part of the Datasmith plugin, which remains an element of the free Unreal Studio Beta program. You must register for the Unreal Studio Beta first.
Afterwards, if you install the Unreal Engine, the Datasmith plugin should be installed automatically. But if not, you can install it from the Launcher’s Unreal Engine > Library page.