I tried using the tutorial “FBX Morph Target Pipeline” and I can’t get it to work to save my life. Just as a test I finally tried using a cube and set up a morph target where I just moved the top 4 Vertex points. It works in Maya, I can move the slider and the cube changes. I did not setup any keyframes in Maya, not sure if that matters or not. I export with these settings.
Also under FBX File Format I have tried both Binary and ASCII and Versions 2013 and 2014.
In UE4 I created a new folder in the Content Browser and select Import. When the Import dialog box pops up I have tried to let it choose the file format and as the tutorial suggests I have tried to select FBX Skeletal Meshes, however I don’t have any bones, but neither did the tutorial. It immediately fails and gives me this error.
If in the File import dialogue box I select FBX Static Mesh it at least opens the FBX Import Options dialogue box. If I unselect Import as Skeletal then the Import Morph Target option disappears.
I’m using
UE4 Version 4.6.1 and
Maya 2015
I attached the FBX here.[link text][4]
Any help would be great, thank you.