We have a problem that is more and more irritating with the engine.
Every time we open one of our World Partitioned map with One File Per Actor enabled, all LandscapeStreamingProxy and all InstancedFoliage actors mark themself as Dirty.
This is a problem for the whole team because when committing our changes, these files are generating conflicts. And because of the names of One File Per Actor files, it’s extremely difficult to see the difference between the real modifications we did, and those that came from this bug.
I dug the problem and found some threads about similar problems https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/landscape-grass-causes-map-to-be-marked-dirty-every-time-its-loaded/390098
However, setting grass.Enable to 0 doesn’t fix it for us, even if it is set before loading the map.
Here is a screenshot of the instantly dirty actors
I hope anyone can help us with this,
With love,