Can't get WAV output from MRQ using UnrealEditor-Cmd

As described in Command Line Rendering With Unreal Engine Movie Render Queue | Community tutorial , UnrealEditor-Cmd is a great way to spin up UE to execute Movie Render Queue jobs. However, it seems that something is different about the WAV file output setting when executing it in this manner. For instance, when using an MRQ preset from the command line, configured with a WAV output, I see:

[2023.04.26-19.53.00:481][ 1]LogScript: Warning: Script Msg: No world was found for object (/Engine/Transient.MoviePipelineQueue_0:MoviePipelineExecutorJob_0.DefaultConfig.MoviePipelineWaveOutput_0) passed in to UEngine::GetWorldFromContextObject().
[2023.04.26-19.53.00:481][ 1]LogScript: Warning: Last function called:
[Empty] (FFrame::GetScriptCallstack() called from native code)
[2023.04.26-19.53.00:481][ 1]LogScript: Warning: Script Msg: No world was found for object (/Engine/Transient.MoviePipelineQueue_0:MoviePipelineExecutorJob_0.DefaultConfig.MoviePipelineWaveOutput_0) passed in to UEngine::GetWorldFromContextObject().
[2023.04.26-19.53.00:481][ 1]LogScript: Warning: Last function called:
[Empty] (FFrame::GetScriptCallstack() called from native code)

And no WAV file is produced.

I’ve also tried it directly from a python MoviePipelinePythonHostExecutor and I see the following in the log:

RuntimeWarning: MoviePipelineMasterConfig: No world was found for object … passed in to UEngine::GetWorldFromContextObject().

It appears that all of the other output formats work just fine. Any help is appreciated, thanks!