Can't get the right settings for rendering

What settings am I missing to fix that rendering issue? I somehow started to get these frames in frames (I have no idea what to call them) instead of little blur from the motion. Any suggestion how to fix that?

Here are the settings :

Hello there @bigdoinksBankya! Let’s see what we can do here.

Per your provided screenshots, your settings look in order. Please try the following adjustments in your setup, and make sure you are using the latest video drivers, in their Studio version:

  • Disable motion blur in postprocessing settings.
  • Uncheck all SM5 in the project settings (Project Settings → Platforms → Windows).
  • Test disabling Hardware Raytracing from the engine

Hi, don’t know if it will be useful in your case, but William Faucher just made another great video on his YT channel, about rendering.
Following his advices, I would suggest to check if Motion Blur is enabled in your Post-Process Volume (yes and 0.5 by default), then only sample Temporal.

Spatial : 1
Temporal : between 9 and 17 (for example, preferably an uneven value).

At the opposite, if you need a sharp render, you could disable MB and invert the values between Spatial and Temporal.

If this is going super fast you need more Temporal Samples. Leave you Spatial to 1 and add on to Temporal Samples until you get an acceptable blur.