I am rigging a simple two bone model in 3d max, and bringing it over to unreal. I can get every animation to work except for rotation animations. Has anyone else seen issues from max to unreal on rotation animations. When I say rotation I mean think of a object that has a interior blade spinning around its center.
Do you have a root bone connected to other bones? Maybe ad a root bone in pivot of your model, and then animate rotation of your root bone.
Yes the root bone is connected to the one other bone. Ive tried applying the animation to the root bone, I can do any animation but the rotation animation. I then went to just the main bone, and tried just a simple 360 animation, and it still wont work on rotations in unreal. I’ve tried exporting as fbx 2014 because i heard it was changed recently but that did nothing new. Its really strange just a month ago I had a full rig in unreal of a character that had lots of rotation animations, and no issues. But the last two models ive brought in with rotation animations just aren’t working anymore.
is rotation doesn’t work in every axis? Is other transformation like translation or scale works properly?
I finally figured this out, I was doing a rotation animation as two key frames 0 to 360. This didnt work coming from max. I got it to work by doing 4 key frames a key frame every 90 degrees and it came in to unreal perfect.
Yes its done.
Unreal clamp rotation value when you export rotation animation.
If 360, unreal understand is 0 , and if you whant complete rotation.
Set key each 90 degrees.
Else, unreal go 0 to 180 by , 0 1 2 … 178 179 180 and after, 180 179 178 … 3 2 1 …
For this, set key each 90 degree. The principe is, learn at unreal what is the parkour you want for rotation
Thank you Comatos this helped me, was trying to import a simple fan animation, this was driving me crazy!