I think I may have inadvertently added extra content into a relatively simple project I am testing. I used landscape mode tool and I think I did something incorrect.
The project initially was just a sculpted terrain, now its got all sorts of meshes in it,to the point pressing play, the editor says I need to build 316 new objects for lighting. I didn’t purposely put them in there
Here is a screenie of,edit mode and play mode where all the objects are showing up:
I may be wrong. But I think the objects the editor is referring too are the landscape components.
If you create a large landscape, or just a detailed landscape, it will be separated into a grid. Off the top of my head, by default, a landscape which has a resolution of 503x503, has 64x64 quads, which equates to 8x8 components, totalling at 64 components obviously. So your one landscape object is actually made up of 64, more or less.
I think this is what you are experiencing. Hope this helps.
EDIT: Just looked again, and you have over 200 actual objects in your scene anyway. When you select your terrain it should tell you how many components its made up of. Might be worth checking that. It might be assets you’ve removed from the content browser, without removing the references within the level.
Selecting terrain either in editor viewport or scene outliner/details, shows no info about how much it contains…all I see at bottom of outliner window is : 6 items and 1 selected ( terrain at this time).
If I removed said assets, how then do I get rid of them in outliner ? I tried deleting them, but that never works. as they come back next time I press PLAY
Odd. you should just be able to delete anything from the scene outliner and carry on. Maybe try deleting them. Saving the entire project and then closing the engine completely and reopening?
EDIT EDIT : I had to go into the directory on computer , where the files reside for ‘test’ ( right click before starting editor allows this), and deleting all that didn’t apply.
Now I need to figure out how to get my 3rd person controller guy back into the game…oh my LOL
Doesn’t help…its in ALL of my projects, both test and test2. How on earth could this be added to all of them?
Test1 is where the table and chairs are there…the example.
I fear this all has something to do with things I did in landscape mode tool ?
One last thing.these extra 316 objects that UE4 says I am suppose to be rebuilding light for, only shows up, when I hit PLAY, otherwise all I have in outliner, are 6 items. so how is this possible ? Does landscape tool somehow link into outliner, as in being additive ? If so, how do I resset landscape mode so all I get when I hit play is what is in the outliner ? ;))