I use “EOS-SDK-32273396-v1.16.2” in Unreal Engine 4.27p.
I try to get platform handle with EOS_PLATFORM_OPTIONS_API_LATEST(=14).
But sdk returns error which is below.
Incompatible EOS_Platform_Create version specified (14), expected range (1 to 13)
Invalid input platform options. EOS_EResult: EOS_IncompatibleVersion
I can get platform handle by using “13”, but SDK’s sample code can get it by using “14”.
Are there any differences between UE4 and SDK’s sample code?
I posted the same question to UDN.
And I got the answer.
From the error message, the dll is the old one.
So, I need to replace it to the newer one.
The directory is Engine\Binaries\Win64.
This is the directory for UE4 editor.
For other than the editor, I need to place the dll each build’s specific directory.