Can't get Platform Handle with EOS_PLATFORM_OPTIONS_API_LATEST(=14)

I use “EOS-SDK-32273396-v1.16.2” in Unreal Engine 4.27p.
I try to get platform handle with EOS_PLATFORM_OPTIONS_API_LATEST(=14).
But sdk returns error which is below.

Incompatible EOS_Platform_Create version specified (14), expected range (1 to 13)
Invalid input platform options. EOS_EResult: EOS_IncompatibleVersion

I can get platform handle by using “13”, but SDK’s sample code can get it by using “14”.
Are there any differences between UE4 and SDK’s sample code?

If you need initilization code, please tell me.

I posted the same question to UDN.
And I got the answer.

From the error message, the dll is the old one.
So, I need to replace it to the newer one.
The directory is Engine\Binaries\Win64.
This is the directory for UE4 editor.
For other than the editor, I need to place the dll each build’s specific directory.

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