Can't get or set Edit Property from Editor Utility Widget?

I have an EUW that I want to use to edit class defaults of a GameMode (and some other classes). Here is my BP code:

I’ve done this exactly like this here but it doesn’t work this time around for whatever reason. Anyone know what I am doing wrong? Also tried with a python script:

import unreal

EUL = unreal.EditorUtilityLibrary
EAL = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary
AR = unreal.AssetRegistry

def set_gamemodemain_properties():
    gm = EAL.find_asset_data('/Game/Blueprints/Core/GameModes/GM_MainMenu')

    gamemode = gm.get_asset()
    shea = gamemode.get_editor_property('Shea?')

LogPython: GM_MainMenu
LogPython: Error: Traceback (most recent call last):
LogPython: Error:   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
LogPython: Error:   File "C:\Unreal/Kaleidoscope/Sunset/PythonScripts\", line 12, in set_gamemodemain_properties
LogPython: Error:     shea = gamemode.get_editor_property('Shea?')
LogPython: Error: Exception: Blueprint: Failed to find property 'Shea?' for attribute 'Shea?' on 'Blueprint'

I managed to figure this out in Python thanks to this snippet here but this isn’t ideal because it’s just passing strings into python. If this could be done in BP it would be way better.