Hello, I am trying to cast a linetrace from the hands when i press one of the facebuttons on the QUest controller. But I cant seem to get it to work.
Been sitting with this the entire weekend, and even when i just try to play a sound when pushing the button nothing happens. The image in this thread is my latest test, and i tried this since the linetrace works with event tick, so i now tried to make it only shoot a trace when i press the button. But still it wont work. I also had a “PrintString” conected directly to the InputAction RightLineTrace node (thats mapped to 1 and 2 facebuttons in the input setting) but it wouldt print the set message either. So it seems like UE4 wont register the button presses. This is done in the BP_MotionController blueprint by the way.
So i feel pretty lost right now, anyone able to point me in the right direction?
And here is my Android build settings