Can't get NPC to move, fix?

Hi Everyone,
I’m fairly new to Unreal engine but I made some progress in the last week. Now I’m stuck with NPC movement. My plan was to get the NPC to move to a set point, then wait for player interaction then move to another point. I’m sure I’ve tried every single tutorial on YouTube I found, even to the point where I set up random points (to see if that works) but same result.
NavMeshBoundsVolume is set so the area is green.
Auto Possesses AI is set to Placed in world or spawned

Any idea where I’m doing this wrong?

I would try a delay on Begin. FreeRoam may be firing before everything is ready.

It looks okay otherwise. I assume that is in an NPC character pawn.

It would be better to add this logic once the pawn is actually possessed (OnPossessed) to ensure the controller is valid.


I find that these functions can be finicky from time to time.