Cant get my vehicle to move

My vehicle isn’t moving forward. I’ve tried enabling physics but still doesn’t move forward (or backwards).The handbrake is fine and the steering and the blueprints don’t have any errors.
I think its something to do with the engine power but I’m not sure.
And I think its something to do with the physics but I’m also not too sure about that.
More details:
Using chaos vehicle setup.
The handbrake and steering work.
I have all the blueprints set up correctly.
What I think:
I think the car is moving, but so slow you cant see it.

Hey @julianoi123!

It’s a bit hard to tell what is going wrong from what you provided. Can you share some more specifics and screenshots regarding your vehicle? For example, is this set up using chaos vehicles? What does your physics asset look like? What do your blueprints look like?

Any additional specifics you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!

sorry Just logged in with a new account (lost old one)So cant send screenshots but ill give you some details

it looks like the vehicle is moving so slow you cant see it.

Hey @julianoi123,

Sure, as soon we can get a better idea of what is happening, I am sure we can figure this out. Can you possibly share a video link to what your seeing?

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@julianmay4844 YouTube link pics in community tab

what do you think?

also yes I am Using chaos vehicle setup.


Video of problem

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Hey @julianoi123!

Okay, I can definitely see what you are talking about here. Can you zoom in to your blueprints so we can see how your movement is set up? Additionally, are your wheels and engine set up in your vehicle movement component?

In the meantime, check out this non-Epic affiliated step-by-step vehicle set up to double check and make sure you didn’t miss a step:

We can definitely figure this out!

Hey @julianoi123,

Checking in. Are you still having your issue? Did the above video have the solution you were looking for?

Ok, I found a solution to the same problem that happened to me. Be careful with editing the Torque Curve and Transmission Setup, a bad configuration slows down the car. Furthermore, the Root Physical Body does not have to touch the ground.