Cant get my Pawn to move.

I just started UE5 and wanted to get my Pawn to move with WASD but I just can’t get it to work.

I have created my own Gamemode my Pawn “BP_PlayerTank” and the Player Controller “BP_TankController” and added everything to the project settings.

Then I created a Input Action for the ‘W’.

Inside the BP_TankController I have this Blueprint setup.
It does register me clicking the ‘W’ key when I add a print string node.
But I can’t get it to move. I looked at the Blueprints from the First and Third Person presets and tried different things from multiple videos and forums but nothing works.

First: Why are you adding a mapping context? That shouldn’t normally be needed.

Second: You add movement input to the Pawn, which is fine and all, but does your Pawn have a MovementController to take that input and do anything with it?
You may need to implement a MovementControlled subclass and assign that to your Tank pawn, if the Tank is not a Vehicle and uses the VehicleController.

If the Tank is using the VehicleController, then you might want to start with the vehicle template, and modify that to see what’s different between yours and that.

Add movement input is handled by the character movement component. If you made the tank blueprint with actor or pawn as the parent class it will not have a movement component and add movement input will be ignored.