Can't get Metahuman NPC to move with AI MoveTo

I’ve set up the Metahuman NPC just like the NPCs from my previous project. They have a character movement component and there is a nav mesh (which was just added so it’s not the bug where you have to remake the nav mesh).

The Capsule Collision is set to Pawn and there’s no collision on anything else. I’ve set Auto Posses AI to “placed in world or spawned”. But they won’t move!

I’m thinking it has something to do with the order / parenting of components. I set the components up as similarly as I could to the player Metahuman, which is moving and animating fine. But there are some differences such as the Mesh that the Body is a child of, and the Root. I’ve only been working with UE for 2 months so I have no idea how this is affecting anything.

Huge thanks if anyone knows how to get them moving.