I’m trying to get this linetrace to go straight regardless of my characters rotation.
In photo #2 the long linetrace is me looking forward and the short is me looking in the air.
So it seems to dash me less and less the more I’m looking up or down. I’m sure I’m doing
some math wrong somewhere but I could use some help identifying where.
If it’s a first person character you can trace from the camera and get it’s forward vector but it will trace were you’re looking.
If you wanna a straight trace regardless you’re looking, you can place an arrow component in front of your character and cast from them.
This was one of my solutions early on but i cant seem to get the arrow to not follow the camera no matter what its parented to or parented to nothing at all. (as far as i know iv got it parented to nothing, but it still moves with me.) My capsule component is my default scene root component, Could that be the issue?