cant get layer to show up in paint landscape

I’m new to Unreal (just switch from unity) and I have been watching tutorials on making terrain and I did everything the said include adding the material but nothing showed up in the layers, how do I fix this?

I don’t think edit layers is what you want.
What that should be is the additive/non-destructive sculpting system.

It could be the new UI named it the same, but really, it shouldn’t be.

Potentially target layers at the very bottom but it could also be incorrect.

The UI looks somewhat the same, but it should give you a list of layers to assign the mapdata to.

Apply the landacape material, close and re-open the level. See if that has it populate.

So long as you have either a Layer node or a LandscapeLayerBlend with definitions within your material i think you should be seeing the different painting layers and file associations within that very last section.

An alternative could be to create a new landacape, assign the material during creation, and also set up the layers with any png/cloud map, just to get them to populate…

So, I’m not 100% sure I understand what you’re saying as it seems pretty technical, but on in unity you can just throw a texture in the brushes layer and just paint on the terrain. What started all this was I was doing forest tutorial at minute 3:19 to 3:40 and had done everything exactly as is shown and nothing appeared in the layer, I even made my own material and still nothing, I’m not sure what I’m missing?

Uvs for one.

And it should work even withouf in theory. You just have to look for the layer in the correct UI section… (assuming the latest engine isnt bugged).

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