Can't get Hit Bone Name

When conect the node from “Hit Bone Name” to a “Print String” it always prints “None” when hit by a Pawn with a Skeletal Mesh.
I created a robotic arm that looks like a pair of pliers and in order to grab things I want to detect that both sides of the “pliers” are hitting the same object. I created this simple Static Mesh that I want to grab, created a Blueprint, connected the “Hit Bone Name” from the Event Hit to a Print String and whenever I hit the Object with the Arm it prints “None”
Both the Arm and the Object have Simulate Physics turned on and I’m able to push the Object around with the arm and when I connect the “Hit Actor” or “Hit Component” to the Print String it prints the name of robotic arm (when it is hit by it).
The Robotic Arm has a Skeletal Mesh and Physics Asset where I tried messing around to no success
Maybe it is some setting in the physics sim I got wrong or It’s just the wrong approach to this problem (I’m new to unreal)
Anyway, I would appreciate some help

Hey @SamLopes,

It is very likely that a collision component on your arm is what is hitting, not the actual skeletal mesh, though I can’t say for certain without seeing the list of components in your robotic arm. If that is the case, you’ll need to have the collision component ignore the channel of the actor it is trying to grab, so that the actor will actually make it through the collision component and collide with the mesh.

If at all possible, can you share a screenshot of your component hierarchy, collision settings, and any construction script you may be running on these actors? Also, please ensure your skeletal mesh has “Simulation Generates Hit Events” turned on.

I hope this information helps, and good luck!

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Print out the Actor and Component of the Hit Response to confirm your hitting the skeletal mesh/phat asset.

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It is turned on for both

collision for the arm

for the object

I’m not sure what you mean by that
Do you mean this?
I created a pawn, imported a skeletal mesh that i rigged in blender, witch came with skeleton and physics asset. I created an animblueprint where I control the movement of the bones, does a screenshot of any of that helps?

The actor being hit is the Pawn_Blueprint and the component is Pawn_Blueprint.SkeletalMesh

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I have the same problem, no matter what I try, I can ever get the hit bone’s name.

After hours of research, I released that Hit event provides a bone name not for this Skeletal mesh but for object that hit Skeletal mesh, not this mesh. So, you should get Hit bone name not in Skeletal mesh event graph, but in an object that hit this Skeletal mesh Event graph

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Hey, i have my collision capsule ignore projectiles, yet, the projectile gets blocked by the capsule collision. I have the simulate thing ticked as you mentioned.

It only works properly when my character is dead, it hits the skeletal mesh component there. But not when its alive. Whats causing this?