Basically a dead simple blueprint script when i press a key (F) I want it to toggle a boolean inside the HUD to make the logo vanish (or ideally fade). here is the setup:
When F is pressed you are setting the Show Bool to “Yes” after a delay. To me that would mean if I hit “F” and it waits X and then sets the Bool to yes.
Could you put a delay after Draw Texture, then remove from screen?
That is how its currently set up except when i press F …nothing happens, it doesn’t pick it up, iv’e tried every which way combination. its just on a two second delay when the demo starts then the logo vnaishes for now!
Is your game started off one of their demos like the top down demo?
For some stupid reason(they need to fix this) their top down demo and others that use mouse control have their player controller set to ignore keyboard input. It took me a good 4 hours to figure it out searching online.
Under the defaults for the player controller there should be an option to fix this. I cant remember the exact name but its something like “Block Keyboard Input” and its checked. Uncheck it and try and i bet your F key will trigger properly.