Can't get DataTable Row using FindRow() C++


i’ve been trying to get a simple DataTable row using the FindRow function in C++ and i can’t get it to work no matter what.

Altough the ErrorMessage should be obvious its not really helping at all.

For simplicity i create a new variable of exactly the type the function takes as a parameter but im still getting the warning:

tried for definition: T* FindRow(FName RowName, const TCHAR* ContextString, bool bWarnIfRowMissing = true)

tried for definition: T* FindRow(FName RowName, const FString& ContextString, bool bWarnIfRowMissing = true)

The Datable #include is present in the .h.

VisualStudio is able to find its definition an all Overloads:

When trying to compile anyway i get the following error:

Any idea what the issue is or what i could try next ?

Am i just dumb and missing somethin completely obvious ?

The issue was, that i passed the results of a templated function into a cast function, so the code had no idea what type to use for the template.
Instead of casting “FindRow(…)” worked.