Can't get collision working on this huge mesh ( temporarily a mesh)

Hi there,

I created a box ( coll mesh: in blender atm) around the 131k mesh ( a mountain area) until I figure out how on earth to bring it in as heightmap, with all detail intact, which I’ve yet to figure out. Any ideas on that appreciated, and I’ve tried baking it and projecting a b&w ramp at it ,rendering and saving that out as a png and converting to raw in PS.

Short of that, atm I really need help getting large mesh to be walkable. I know how I did it in unity ( where I was before coming here), just imported it and added ‘mesh collider’ which makes it possible to walk anyone on said mesh, given it has a path from bottom to top for that very purpose.

I saw a blender tut on youtube saying you need to add a cube ( or sphere, etc.) around your main mesh and call the coll cube, ex: UBX.Cube ( main mesh is just Cube of course).

It imports fine as a fbx, yet when I approach it, my character stops. The ‘mesh’ is just l laying on top of terrain just a bit underneath for gameplay purposes ( position), but also trying it more directly ON top of terrain, yields the same bad luck.

Instead of being able to walk on it as desired ( up the path), my player goes right through.

Any idea how I solve one? ;(

ok i don’t think you should be using a mesh for landscapes in UE4 thats what the landscape tool is for, what you need to do is find how to export your height map from blender and then import it into ue4-landscape

Use the 3rd way which is shown in video:

I’ll look at 3rd solution and try that, but I just wanted to chime In and say, what good is it going to do to use the landscape tool ? Isn’t that just for huge scenes where you want them to stream, so you lay them next to each other ? I don’t know if its intended purpose is what you think ?

If not, is there any documentation for tool, I’ve never found any.

The advantage of the landscape tool is that you can directly edit them in the engine + you dont need uv maps + it already has a good lod system :slight_smile:

THank you so much, that was the remedy!! ;)0 Bravo,huge relief :wink:

In case you are still looking for the documentation on landscape, is the main page that goes over creating, editing, and painting (and more):


As for creating a height map from the sculpted landscape, page should help you

The landscape tool will be a lot more efficient in case.

That tutorial, ty anyway, is far too old. They use something now called ‘ramps’ not what is show on that page :wink: ( blender could use much better docs)

Appreciate the effort, but I already had done all of that, and rendering out ( from top view, ramp, blah) a image that I put into PS and made a raw from it…imported into UE4 as a real big mess, looking nothing like original mesh did.

Unless I did something wrong that method doesn’t seem to work real well on complicated mesh likes , which is not just complicated on the outside, but also has ‘caves’, 3 to be exact ‘atm’.

If you think I’ve missed a important setting let me know, but I"ve gone over it many times and I can’t find anywhere I"ve messed up in the process.


Nice ty, Im not sure I had seen that :slight_smile:
