Can't generate C++ class from the Editor with CLion [UE 4.17 - Windows 10]

Hello everyone,

I’ve searching for a few hours now but I’m stuck on that problem : I can’t create a class from the Editor with the CLion plugin. I’m on Windows 10 Creator Update and with the 4.17 version for the engine.

I configure the plugin with : and it works.
I can compile, run the game : No problem. All I can’t do it’s generate a class from the Editor and… It’s a waste of time if I can’t do that.

So, I have this error :

My configuration of the CLion plugin in the editor is :

And of course, I change the accessor for the source code :

Of course, I can use Visual Studio 2017 if I want. No problem with that and I can create my classes from the Editor. No problem.

But I prefer to use CLion. So, if someone have met this problem and found a solution or if you have some ideas for help me. That will be great !

Thanks in advance for your answers. :wink:

See ya

I have the same problem but couldn’t find a solution. You’re not the only one with Jetbrains-filia :smiley:

Edit: The workaround is to set it to VisualStudio, restart and then (when the Compile button is available) you can set it to CLion. But when you want to close UE, you have to set it back to VisualStudio.

Me 2… Using a Mac… I just keep the source code accessor to XCODE… and I always use the Open CLIon to open c++ project… and just ignore and close out the two Xcode windows it brings up when creating new classes

Same here, asks for visual studio :confused:

I had the same issue.
It keeps happening from time to time whenever I need to create a new project.
WHen it occurs, I just exit UE4 Editor and restart, if the issue persists, a system reboot usually resolve it.