As title says, I simply can’t find a way to update engine. I tried redownloading installer and running that, but it returned an error " specified account already exists". There doesn’t seem to be a button anywhere in epic games launcher either.
Thank you for any assistance in matter.
Also, while i’m here, whenever I hit play on my tutorial build engine crashes but says it didn’t generate a minidump and no log can be found in crash log directory, does anyone have any idea what is happening and/or a way to resolve this issue?
These are each different builds of engine, not merely updates, so unfortunately there’s no way to convert a 4.8 build into a 4.9 build. Hotfixes, however, simply update existing build (4.8.2 to 4.8.3, for example).
I don’t seem to have ability to add versions. I have a greyed-out plus sign that does nothing when I click on it where I see “add versions” option in image. Any advice?