Cant find the Set node

Hey, I have problems to find the set node of the picture. Someone posted a picture, for a problem that i have. But he was not explaining the picture.

Here is the full link to the pictures


It is just setting some BP variable

  • Add variable named MyPlaneActor of Actor type
  • Now open command list with Right Maouse Button and type MyPlaneActor to search
  • you will see Get and Set methods

You need to create the variable first. Then, either search for it in the RMB actions menu as Kehel18 suggested or:

  • hold Alt and drag to Set
  • hold Ctrl and drag to Get

Image from Gyazo

Dragging and dropping without a key modifier will produce a prompt where you get to choose between Get / Set.

All methods will work.

I didn’t know about the keyboard combinations, thanks for sharing!