We have a multiplayer game on Steam with our own AppID, everything works fine in the editor. But when I test it with 2 pc’s on different locations with 2 different Steam accounts. But the game says that there are no sessions found. But It was working before in the editor.
Are you using advanced sessions? Having it work in the editor is possible because it’s still local. When you introduce steam and different locations, that’s a true service test. If you’re using create session instead of create advanced sessions and find advanced sessions, then you’re likely running into the issue of create session is for local net play while advanced sessions are for web based multiplayer.
Im using find session advanced and create advanced session. Also in standalone its not showing the steam overlay.
I upgraded to 4.26, still the same problem.
I ran into the overlay issue as well have you tried adding a text file named Steam_appid with your app id of your game to the [project output file]/project name/binaries/win64
credit to this info goes to UE4 Packaging your multiplayer game (read description) - YouTube