Can't find Quixel Bridge Plugin in UE5 v.5.0.3

I installed Unreal Engine 5.0.3 on my PC this week. The software works great, but it’s impossible to find the plugin Quixel Bridge integrated in the software.

One solution i found in the forums, is to look at the plugin in the vault in the epic launcher, under Unreal Engine and ‘‘Library’’ (see file attached UE5_1.png). There’s no Quixel Bridge plugin there.

Another solution was ton go see the plugin window inside UE5, to see if Quixel Bridge plugin was checked. Can’t find the plugin there too (see file attached UE5_2.PNG).

Of course I tried reinstalling UE5, this didn’t work.

On a forum, I found an answer from staff member SkyeEden, stating that the problem would be due to an entitlement missing from my account (see file attachement UE5_SkyeEden_answer.png).

Could you help me with that problem? Thanks a lot for your answer.
Francis Laforest

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Hello laforestf, thank you for posting.

When searching for Bridge in the Launcher, I like to ensure the Code Plugins category is selected. Have you attempted this?

You can also check if it has been installed by clicking on “Installed Plugins” under the engine version

I hope this helps.

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Hi, no It didn’t work, there’s nothing on my epic launcher.

Hi @AlexHeller8964, @Polite_Muon , @laforestf,
To find your plugins you must Verify your installation as shown below.
Maybe your installation has been terminated EARLY. You MUST WAIT until the verification is complete, only THEN will the plugins QXL Bridge begin.

During normal installation, there is a 30-second pause while the look ahead cache is checked as this speeds up the verification. Many people just think download installation is finished stop the launcher and find the plugins missing?:rofl::rofl::cry:
This has been for all versions of UE5 and it started in EA1!

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Hi, @Jimbohalo10
I have tried the verify method yesterday, but after the verification I couldn’t find anything, Quixel Bridge plugin I mean.

I believe it’s an account location issue. I’ve tested one of my friends account which is located in the US, it had the plugin installed, but on my account which is located in Bangladesh, it’s not showing up anywhere.

I’ve also tested these again to double check everything and it seems like there’s nothing else I could do from my end.

I’ve tried manual installing, it only works until UE 5.0.1
Since I can’t revert back to the previous UE 5 version, I’m stuck with the current one (5.0.3)
Manual installation doesn’t work with the current version, it pops up an error.

first, did you enable the plugin?

Maybi it is a visual glitch in the launcher, is Quixel Bridge in Unreal engine 5 undre windows?

If not, try to reinstall Unreal Engne 5,

quixel bridge is showing in my UE 5.0.3 but not opening
can you help

  1. quixel bridge is installed
  2. plugin is enabled
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I’m having the same problem, searched in the forum and tried every answer without success. My account is located in Brazil.

Hi, @Blackforcedragon I believe this is an Epic games account location issue.
We have tried all of your suggested methods, after a long session of investigating we’ve figured out the issue.
We are seeking attention from the devs at the moment.

Has anyone find a solution to this problem?

The only solution that appears to work is a direct intervention from Epic in the account.

I’m also having the same problem mentioned here. My account is located in Ghana, West-Africa. Any solution yet?

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Hi the main thread is at
‘Quixel Bridge’ not Showing in ‘Content’ section or ‘Plugins’ - General / Feedback for Unreal Engine team - Unreal Engine Forums

This contains a work around

I just installed 5.0.3 last week and Quixel Bridge does not appear in the Window: Get Content: list. I went to the Epic Launcher and installed the plugin , and checked in my Windows Programs directory and see the Bridge folder in plugins. So everything seems correct except i cannot find the plugin in UE … am a USA user. ps the quick solution above does not work, since i already have the files installed, just no way to access them.