Can't find LearningAgents plugin Content

After I tried the cook the game phase which is part of the “Headless Training & Network Snapshots” tutorial, the game was launched. But the car did not start training.

Later when I checked the log I found this.
“LogLearning: Error: SportsCarTrainer_0: Can’t find LearningAgents plugin Content “C:-\--\LearningToDrive\Saved\StagedBuilds\Windows\LearningToDrive\Binaries\Win64/Plugins/Experimental/LearningAgents/Content/Python/”.”

I need to complete this please help me. Thank you

You need to adjust the non-editor trainer path settings until they work:

The error message means that your “Non Editor Engine Relative Path” is wrong. Relative path should be something like ../../../../../../{rest-of-path}


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thank you so much @Deathcalibur

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