Being using some youtube tutorials. If you really wanna get in depth of how to help me, here’s the video link, TPS Build Part 11 - Finishing Camera Aiming - YouTube . While I have been putting everything into my blueprint, I type in the function name and it does not appear. It is present in the other blueprint, just not in this one. I have attached screenshots of the situation. They are the following links: Screenshot - ef5550fceb262109a6f54103b521d6d2 - Gyazo and Screenshot - c2ee13eba4aba186284f291ee81ce565 - Gyazo . They are in separate blueprints, but does this affect them being inserted between the blueprints? Thanks!
I named mine just ViewPoint but, when I did un-check “Context Sensitive” nothing came up. Maybe I just need to re-search it when I do do that? Let me try that… No it doesn’t work, and “GetActorEyesViewPoint” does show up, but is not the function I am looks for. My function is named, “ViewPoint.” As shown in this screenshot: and . I want to get ViewPoint from TPSPlayer Controller over to my TheWeaponMasterBlueprint.
What I am trying to do is take the function ViewPoint FROM my TPSPlayerController OVER TO the WeaponMasterBlueprint.
Did you also try GetPlayerController, cast it to TPSPlayerController and try getting ViewPoint from there? <3