Can't Find "Foliage Type" asset?

It’s my first day with Unreal and I’m following the Procedural Foliage Tool Quick Start tutorial… All was fine until step 8 of part 1 where you are supposed to right-click in the Content Browser to open the Misc. bar and find the “Foliage Type” asset to add it to the level.
When I follow the steps provided I can’t seem to find the “Foliage Type” asset under miscellaneous, has this process changed/have they moved the “Foliage Type” asset without updating the tutorial?
Added a screenshot incase I’m using the wrong words for some things :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks for any help you might be able to provide!

Running UE 4.25.3 on a Windows 10 64bit PC, Intel i7-8750H and 32GB RAM.

Yes “Foliage Type” has been changed to “Static Mesh Foliage” under the Foliage panel.