So i have been trying to make a custom crosshair and i have everything set up except when i go to my hud blueprint and try to add “Event Receive Draw HUD” i can’t find it even with context sensitive unticked, Has it been removed or replaced? I could really use some help, thanks c:
Im confused about what you are showing me.
rjvm, it is nice that you want to help people on the AnswerHUB, but i doubt that a single picture without explanation is helping anyone.
Even i don’t get what you want to show him.
Please refrain from posting pictures only and also pictures that don’t match the context (:
Hey, why aren’t you using UMG for this? (: Just make a CrosshairWidget and add the Image to it.
You can move the anchor to the middle and position your image exactly in the center, remaining there
with different screen resolutions.
Create a new widget (under UserInterface when rightclicking in the content browser) and add an Image.
Set the anchor to the middle thing:
And set the alignment settings and position like that (the size is up to you)
This should keep it in the middle of the screen.
For your addressed problem:
Are you sure that you have a Blueprint that has the HUDClass as a parent? I have 4.7 currently open, and after creating a blueprint with the HUD as parent, i can directly find the Draw function:
OMG thank you, i was using a widget blueprint -__- i am also relatively new to unreal so yeah anyways thank you
I did the first thing you said about the crosshair widget and did everything but it still doesnt show.
Did you actually created the widget somewhere and called “AddToViewport” on it? If not, i recommend you to watch a basic UMG tutorial on youtube first (: