Can't find Event Dispatchers in Level Blueprint

For some reason I can’t access an event dispatcher from the level blueprint. I have dispatchers that I can access from other blueprints, but I can’t figure out why this one isn’t showing up. Any ideas?


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if you uncheck Context Sensitive, you should see your Dispatcher.

With Context Sensitive enabled it means it provides you Elements which has any relevance to this Blueprint class you are in.

Also consider what a Level has to do with the logic of picking up an item. The actors which are in touch of this event are the Item itself and the guy who is picking it up. The only thing i could think of using the LevelBP is the case that you want to handle this bp
to remove the Item (DestroyActor) from the Scene. But in the end is all up to you :slight_smile:

kind regards

Make sure the blueprint that created the event dispatcher is added to the level and selected in the viewport or it will not show the corresponding dispatchers. I was digging into the Content Examples from the marketplace and couldn’t for the life of me figure out where they got that Button Toggle node in the Level Blueprint from because it wouldn’t show Default for me, but I simply didn’t realize I had to have the Blueprint that created the dispatcher selected for it to show!