Hi, Im new to Unreal 5, but have used other engines in the past. Rather than fill this place with needless questions, I have watched countless tuts etc online. But one tut I cant seem to do, is to create a working door. All the tuts tell me to use a door plug in. Ive searched my 5.4, and 5.5 and cant find this. Am I missing something?
Door Plugin? I have never Heard that Before.
Are you working on Open/Close Door System, If Yes then it is Pretty easy to do so.
Just use Timeline Component
Here is Tutorial that might be useful if you want to do that.
First create a blueprint interface
Then under class settings add the interface, they will now send “messages” between each other
From the character do a line trace and call the blueprint interface you made on the hit actor if it has it itll execute whatever code is attached
Example most people call the BPI(blueprint interface) “interact”
So when you “interact” with a door by hitting it with your line trace and calling the interface itll open the door, usually with a timeline… but you may also use that interface on a crafting table for example and have a crafting UI pop up…
Neadless to say whatever video youve found that is recommending you use a plugin, is not a standard plugin it will be a purchased asset, beacuse they are trying to sell you something… a door should be super easy and no need to buy it unless you want the door to look a certain way and dont wanna make it yourself,