Can't find "CursorToWorld" scene component

Hello all. I’m using UE 5.1.1 and I’ve been following a tutorial created for UE 4 (This one: Unreal Engine 4 - Optimized Grid Tutorial (3/4) - YouTube). In the tutorial, the TopDownCharacter Blueprint includes a scene component called CursorToWorld. I can’t find this component to add it to my own project and I have searched through many a Google search to see if perhaps it no longer exist in 5.1.1. I will include a screenshot so you can see what I mean.

Does anyone know if this is a custom component or perhaps it exists under a different name? Thanks for any help.

Hi theRealZoso,

How about this?

It’s a decal comp:


But renamed to confuse the $ out of people. So is the Camera Boom in 3rd person template - a mundane springarm. :expressionless:

Thanks for the reply. That node gives me a yellow vector reference but the “Set World Location and Rotation” node is asking for a Scene Component Object reference.

Thanks for the reply @Everynone. I’ll play around with the Decal and report back.

So… I added a “Decal Component” to my “BP_TopDownCharacter” and dragged out a reference to it. I connected that reference to the “Set World Location and Rotation” node and my character now looks like a walking decal. I don’t think it’s working like the mythical “Cursor to World” component but there’s a prefectly good chance I’m just using the “Decal Component” wrong. Images included.

It looks like this when I run it:

It has to be set to World Space to follow the cursor. Do look up how decals work, it’s a projection along a specific axis.

Or check out the template.

It’s happening because the decal cursor is not being updated with the position of the grid under your cursor, so the decal remains in default settings.

What you did was right-- linking the decal to “Set World Location and Rotation”.

Follow through the rest of the tutorial and finally in the event graph of BP_TopDownCharacter,
set Event Tick > Update Cursor Position and your cursor will start highlighting the part of the grid under the mouse.

I’m following the same tutorial as this guy and having the same issue, except I already had the update cursor position following the event tick and still have that problem.