Okay, so this is probably a bit of a dumb question, but I can’t seem to figure this out. I’m using the NVidia Volumetric Lighting version of UE4. I try to build in Visual Studio, but I can’t find the executable. If I build a server version, it doesn’t show up in my /binaries/win64 folder. It only has the basic game. If I build a shipping build, I can still use the console. Am I doing something wrong? Is the folder I’m looking in right? I used the tutorial for making a dedicated server here: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums
There are a couple of ways to handle server builds but I prefer to use the Unreal Frontend tool. You can find it in the UE4 Engine\Binaries\Win64 directory (where everything else is). You build a profile and when you run it, it will build, cook, and package everything for you into a directory of your choice. I can walk you through setting up a profile if you need.
The other option involves copying the VS build into a directory with already cooked content (like from a client build). I don’t like that method but if you want to do that then I can try to find a tutorial for you.
Personally, I use the Frontend tool and I only build the server in VS when I want to debug it. In that case I’m hitting F5 so it doesn’t matter where the binary is.
That worked, thanks!
Actually, how would I put the dedicated server in a packaged build?
The Frontend tool builds, cooks, and packages. It can also deploy, launch, and archive, but I never used those. Create a new profile, rename it, and then edit it. You want to point it to your project. Build: Yes, Cook: By the book (and enable WindowsServer), Cooked Maps: Enable the maps you want cooked, Package: Package & Store Locally (give it a directory to package to), Archive,Deploy, and Launch: up to you.
Oh if you must do it the other way then try this A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums