Can't figure out which ABP my thirdperson character is using

I’m new to UE and need some help understanding what ABP class my Third Character is using and how to edit it, please bear with me if i miss on something as i’m trying to give you an insight in my current workflow:

So basically what I do/did is using the tool “Accurig” to rig my meshes ,fitting the somewhat outdated UE4 skeleton while actively working with UE5.2.
Now I wanted to add a crouch function, but the tutorials I watched usually refer to ABP_Manny which obviously isn’t compatible with UE4 skeleton my TP character is using.
I watched another Tutorial regarding crouching in UE4 instead of UE5 cause I figured i can easily follow the steps since it’s using the UE4 skeletons there ,alas it was referring to a (default?) Thirdperson_ABP I CAN’T FIND. If I go into my BP_ThirdPersonCharacter, click on the mesh im using, on the right screen under animation it says it’s using “ABP_Quinn_C”… I just found “ABP_Quinn”, but I dont know where to make a link to the crouchig animations let alone the actual execution of it.
I already set inputAction - crouch/uncrouch in the EventGraph of BP_ThirdPersoncharacter and made a Animation D1 crouch Blendspace. Now im stuck and have no clue how to continue with my set up…

Every help is appreciated and sorry for my english.

As for the question in title, unles you’ve overridden the anim asset in code on bein play or something, the abp listed on the mesh componenet properties is what it’s using.

To make quinn’s abp crouch open manny’s abp ( she uses a child bp that inherits from manny) and in the evnt graph, where it checks for falling, drag off the movement component node, add an iscrouching check, and promote the result to a new variable like so:

Then in the anim graph, find the locomotion state machine and for the idle stat, blend the existing stand idle with your crouch idle by bool:

Then do basically the same for the blendspace in the walk/run state:

Since manny doesn’t have a direction var by default,if your blendspace is 2d you can set one in the event graph by getting the velocity and rotation and calculating direction from them when the bp is doing other speed stuff like so:


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain to me step by step how to set things up to get them working. Everything worked great, i just can’t find the right velocity variabel, thus the transition between stand idle into crouch is kinda fast, but I don’t worry too much about it at the moment.

I was just confused how skeleton meshes in UE5 work, because I assumed that my character, which is rigged for UE4 via accurig, can use it’s own animations for thirdperson movement, but then I realize that i cant drag ue4 animations into ABP_Manny ,cause it says the skeletons aren’t compatible.

So, despite using UE4 skeleton my thirdperson character still works with ABP_Manny which is using UE5 SK_Mannequin, did I get this right?
Would you suggest to re-import my character with the UE5 skeleton to avoid future problems or should I just use the IK retargeter to export desired animations? (For example,I initially downloaded Mocaps from them marketplace and tried to use MOB_crouchwalk_ip ,which wasn’t compatible with Mannys ABP, so I had to retarget it from ue4 to ue5 skeleton)

Thank you so much for the help!

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