Can't figure out how to set NPC states

Hi there! So I’ve been working on a project for a short UE5 course I’ve been doing, and I want to be able to set my NPC states by instance. What I’ve been trying so far is creating an enumerator with the states “Idle”, “Walking” and “Dialogue”, though right now I just need to get Idle and walking working. The states are instance editable but I can’t figure out if it’s even possible to get that recognized in the behaviour tree.

That’s my BT and the Decorator I set up, I’m using an override of PerformConditionCheck for the Decorator. I’ve also tried basically every variation on the observer aborts but the result I always end up with is that either all the NPCs will move or all of them will stand still, it doesn’t seem to be recognizing the enum at all.

I’m assuming it’s something to do with needing to make a blackboard key? But I’m unsure of how exactly to make the right connection for this. I’ve created a key that is assigned to my enum E_NPCState, but don’t know where to go from here. If anyone can help at all I’d really appreciate it! :blush: