Can't figure out how to set an asset for an asset showing None references

I am a beginner learning my way around Unity by taking existing assets from the Unity demos and figuring how they were created. All was going well until I got stumped with the weird reference issue.

I am using the “Mannequin” from the 3rd person starter content pack. I have added this content pack into a “Test” project and copying over the assets as required into my “Fresh” project. In it, there is a skeleton called SK_Mannequin, which I had copied over along with other assets and set the correct assets in the correct fields until all reference errors and compile issues were resolved.

Still, when I open the Reference Viewer for SK_Mannequin in the “Test” project, I see the following:

But, in my “Fresh” project, I see the following:

As you can see that I was able to set one of the references of SK_Mannequin to an asset I had in my project directory. I don’t want the “Quinn” character and only want to work with the “Manny” character and hence I didn’t copy over the “Quinn” character. This has not been an issue elsewhere as I was able to use SKM_Manny as the mesh for wherever a skeleton mesh was needed.

The asset that I was able to set was done in the following panel of SK_Mannequin

My problem is that I am not able to find where I need to set the other 2 references that are set to None. Comparing between my “Test” and “Fresh” projects for hours didn’t help. I also looked up for any ways that I could find in which setting a particular reference was getting used but to no avail.

Any ideas what I could do?
Is it possible to delete the reference in my “Fresh” project so that the Reference Viewer doesn’t show 2 empty references?

Well, I don’t entirely understand how you got into this situation, but you could try right-clicking on the Content folder and selecting “Fix Up Redirectors”.

I have already tried “Fix Up Redirectors” but to no avail. Let’s put the question in a different way.
If I start with the Third Person template and open the Reference Viewer for /Content/Characters/Mannequins/SK_Mannequin, I get the following:

Now, if I edit this Skeleton Mesh, I can see where SKM_Quinn_Simple is referenced.

But I can’t find where the other 2 meshes are referenced in the Skeleton Mesh. I believe that if I know this, I should be able to fix the None references in my project.

Finally found where they were referenced. I had to open the “Retarget Sources” panel and it had the other meshes.