Can't expose struct to cinematics

With other variables, there is usually an “expose to cinematics” checkbox button. It seems exposing structs to cinematics isn’t possible? I just want to verify this is the case, as I have many variables that could use being organized in one location that I would love to use as controllers for animations.

So my question is, is it possible to expose structures to cinematics? If not, are there any other alternatives?

hi @zonfar2 ,
You can’t expose a Struct to a cinematic since the types that can be animated are limited to basic or composite ones.
However, you can expose individual variables marked as so in an Actor or scene component you’ll create in your main animated asset. Your component track will present the exposed variable so you can animate it.
This can help to keep your variables tidy.

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thank you! creating a scene component is an excellent alternative achieving precisely what I was looking to accomplish :slight_smile:

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