Can't Even Get Started...

Okay so let me preface this by saying that I am a complete noob at anything remotely close to “design.” What I’m trying to do is adapt a couple Unreal Tournament '99 maps to another '99 game called Aliens versus Predator. I have 3DS Max 3.1 and 2010, as well as UnrealEd 2.0. The game files I’m using are from the Steam GOTY release of Unreal Tournament.

Here’s the problem. I can’t open up any map (.unr) in any level editing software. I try opening up any map in UnrealEd and I get this:

If I try opening up any .unr in Autodesk, it says “File open failed.” Anyone have any ideas?


I have moved this to off topic because this forum is for UE4 and your question is related to UE2, also I would recommend you post this on a UT specific forum as you would probably get more/better help.

Alright, thanks. Sorry for wasting your time.

Does AVP use unreal 99 engine? I think it did not.
AVP does not have any editor tools, so extracting maps will be impossible unless you reverse game code and find how maps are stored.

For porting levels your best bet is to draw layouts, take pictures (or run AVP on second monitor) and recreate all manually.

You probably could rip textures from avp (there is tool DXRipper), and that is all.
But ripping textures then using in your own project is stealing unless you use them only as reference.

Did you get your answer fixed?