the title says most of it. i click on the character in my animation blueprint in Blend space but now i cant. i use to be able to edit him but it just for some reason stopped. im also a beginner to Unreal Engine 4.
Hey there can you send a video of the issue?
i couldnt share the video so i uploaded it to youtube.
Have you tried restarting the engine? If yes then it might be some option you enabled or it’s a bug.
I’ve restarted the engine and the computer. i thought it might be something i selected but i don’t know what it could have been.
Please respond as a comment on my answer to keep things organized. If you import a new skeletal mesh and create a blend space for it, do you still have the issue? On the animation preview can you select the bones?
sorry. I didn’t know how to reply like that at first. the video you saw was a brand new blueprint. I thought it was the blueprint at first as well. that was the first thing I thought. but when I deleted the old one and created a new one, that told me it was a bug or something that I have selected. I wouldn’t know what I have selected though.
Try creating a new project and if that doesn’t work reinstall the engine making sure it deleted the cache folders. If that doesn’t work you can submit a bug report, although it’s going to be hard to replicate and thus hard to fix for the epic team.
the stuff works in a new project but not in mine. is there a way I can make it work again without restarting on my project?
if your trying to move the skeleton you should be in the skeleton tab. look near the top right of your editor and you will see tabs that say skeleton, animation, mesh. click the skeleton one and you will be able to select bones
Did you try importing a new skeleton and creating a new blend space?
Hi ,
I guess what you are missing is bone view, to you can make a pose by rotating mesh etc …
follow these steps and you will be able to edit the character.
let me know if it works ,
I created a new blend spave but it didnt work. I created one in a New project and it worksd there. Might be something I have selected.
It doesn’t work in any tab. I clicked on all of them and none of then could select rhe charactor.
this worked but its very confusing. I was able to edit him without those lines before.
Hi Gos2002,
check selected only that is below ‘all hierchy’ button … that wont show you lots of unwanted lines … will only show what you have selected.
hope this will work.
kindly tick mark answer as complete, if this has solved your problem.
sorry I’m late. this didn’t fix the problem. when I had the All Hierarchy checked it worked but when I clicked Selected only it wouldn’t let me select the bones of a character. I’m not sure whats going on. I think I know whats going on. when I went into another project I found a physics tab on the top. when I went into this project, it’s missing the physics. could this mean something?
This helped me out so much.I know this is old,but still Just wanted to say thanks .