Can't edit table rows based on USTRUCT defined in C++ after editor re-start

I have a custom struct defined in C++. I have it correctly defined and tagged in C++ with all properties marked as “EditAnywhere” follows:

USTRUCT(BluePrintable, BluePrintType)
struct FWizObjectTemplate : public FTableRowBase {


UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere)
EObjType objType;

UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere)
FString name;


When I first create a new table in the Editor using this struct it let’s me add and edit row data. However, once I close and re-start the editor, the rows are no longer editable. Is this bug? Is there a workaround?


FYI. For anyone interested, in-engine editing of this table started working again for me. No idea what changed to make it work again, but it’s working for now.

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