When attempting to download something from the marketplace the page never updates. I’ve attempted to download 2 separate free packs. Is anyone else having this problem?
Try to download it from the launcher -> do you get stuck on “sync process”? -> https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?87500-Marketplace-purchase-wont-stop-syncing
Can you email us at marketplace-support@unrealengine with more details? We’ll need you to provide the email address you use to log in, to specify if you’re using the launcher or the website, and tell us which packs you’re attempting to purchase. Once we have that we’ll be able to figure out what’s going on. Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for the quick responses. I did not have the launcher installed (we are using the engine directly out of source control). Once I installed the launcher the problem was fixed. It might be useful to pop up an error message if someone tries to download from the marketplace from the webpage without the launcher installed.
Interesting! This is the first case of this happening that we’ve heard. I’ll talk to the team about it. Thank you for reporting it, and I’m glad you were able to download your content.
I was using Chrome Version 45.0.2454.101 if that matters.